CNT understands the challenges that are faced in operating on a global scale and having a complex international supply chain. That is why CNT remains committed to maintaining its principles and business practices as it expands its global operations. In the ever changing corporate, multinational environment it is clear that the cornerstone of the organisations successful long term growth is based on its commitment to maintaining corporate principles which are transparent and clear while encompassing the wider stakeholder audience. It is through this that CNT operates as an international organisation, putting transparency and good corporate citizenship as a fundamental principle in its operations.
CNT has a reputation for both professional and flexible customer service while providing the highest in quality. For CNT quality is not only limited to a product but it is about quality of service, quality of customer care, quality of legal responsibility, quality of financial practices and quality of sustainability. Through these dedications CNT makes continuous improvement in all its areas focusing on quality improvement. This is done through respect, investment, business opportunities and expansion for the Company’s sustainable future. As a family owned business, the DNA of the company is based on long term interests .
The principle of mutual benefit is the basis on which CNT builds its long term relationships with its stakeholders, whether is a business partner or a contract farmer. It is a core belief that all its stakeholders should have the opportunity to benefit from their relationship with CNT.
High standards of behaviour, professional conduct, ethics, integrity and respect for employees’ rights are fundamental to CNT. These are attributes that CNT is proud to posess and extends this to environmental responsibility, integrity and fair competition in CNT operations.
Sustainable Tobacco Programme
- Since 2002 CNT has participated in the Sustainable Tobacco Programme (and predecessor programmes), and has been audited internally and by third parties.
- CNT applies good practices and guidelines from the distribution of seed all the way the container dispatch to clients. These guidelines are a rigorous monitoring process throughout the supply chain.
- The concept of Good Agricultural Practices is the fundamental core of the way operations ensure a sustainable, economically viable production of tobacco. This is achieved through the provision of crop production and management extension services and adhering to industry recognised standards and CORESTA guidelines. This is implemented throughout all the leaf production operations and incorporates best agricultural practices in the production of a quality crop while protecting, sustaining or enhancing the environment with regard to soil, water, air, biodiversity and labour rights of farmers and workers. This is carried out through training, knowledge transfer and extension services for contracted farmers to ensure that they are able to fully implement these guidelines.
- Cycle of engagement:

Tobacco Processing: Occupational Health & Safety Policy
- In all working environments CNT has strict Occupational Health and Safety policies and procedures in place. All applicable laws are adhered to, in the absence of local legislation international standards are applied and where possible standards are exceeded.
- CNT complies with all applicable national and international laws and regulations regarding Occupational Health & Safety policy affecting business activities. Procedures have been established for assessing and reviewing the occupational health and safety impacts of present and future activities on a regular basis. Through continual improvement all pro-active measures are taken to safeguard the health and safety of our employees on company premises.
- Client requirements and STP guidelines ensure continuous development and improvement. This covers areas of the working environment, e.g. Working Environment, Impact on Community, Factory Safety, Fire Prevention and Evacuation, Medical, Vehicles, Security, H&S, Labour Practices and Climate Change.
Labour Practices and Human Rights
Labour Practices
- CNT is committed to ensuring that good labour practices and decent work conditions are in place in all of our operations, affiliates, subsidiaries and agricultural supply chain.
- Part of the awareness and efforts that CNT puts towards the continuous improvement of the supply chain is our Agricultural Labour Practices (ALP) programme. This is a concentrated effort based on the training, awareness building and data gathering of the conditions regarding labour issues and practices within tobacco production. Projects and programmes to positively impact the livelihoods of farmers, their families, workers and community are integrated within our operations utilising the information we gather on-farm and through work with our stakeholders. ALP is implemented in all of CNT global operations with a commitment to the growth of the programme and the continuous improvement of labour practices within tobacco production.
Equal opportunities
- CNT intends to select the best available person for every vacancy, regardless of sex, race, colour, religion, marital status, ethnic origin, age, disability or sexual orientation. At the same time, CNT aims to provide all employees with the opportunity to develop long-term careers appropriate to their abilities and ambitions.
- CNT wishes to give all its employees the maximum opportunity to develop their careers and achieve their work potential. In filling any vacancy, CNT will encourage applications from suitably qualified internal candidates wherever possible.
- Recruitment strategy is based on retaining and attracting the most suitable people at all levels of the business and this is reflected in an objective approach to recruitment and selection.
Child Labour
- CNT will not employ any children as defined by ILO (International Labour Organisation) 1973 Convention No. 138 / Recommendation No 146, ILO Convention No 182, / Recommendation No 190, 1999. This is a commitment the company applies throughout the supply chain. CNT recognises that… ‘not all work done by children should be classified as child labour that is to be targeted for elimination. Children’s or adolescents’ participation in work that does not affect their health and personal development or interfere with their schooling, is generally regarded as being something positive. This includes activities such as helping their parents around the home, assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays. These kinds of activities contribute to children’s development and to the welfare of their families; they provide them with skills and experience, and help to prepare them to be productive members of society during their adult life.’ [International Labour Organisation, IPEC].
- Nevertheless, the welfare and health & safety of children are paramount at all times and the CNT aims to apply commitment and principles through education.
- Over and above the efforts and engagement that CNT does related to the elimination of child labour, as a Board Member of the Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco Growing (ECLT ) Foundation, CNT actively participates in industrywide efforts towards the elimination of child labour in tobacco growing. The ECLT Foundation strengthens communities, improves policies, and advances research so that tobacco-growing communities can benefit from agricultural farming while ensuring that their children are healthy, educated, safe from exploitation, and encouraged to reach their full potential. CNT is proud to be a signatory of the ECLT Pledge of Commitment and Minimum Requirements. Further details on the ECLT Foundation can be found here.
Human Rights
- The UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights (UNGP) details the responsibility of business in upholding human rights within their supply chain. CNT works towards implementing the Guiding Principles within our operations and supply chain.
- CNT CNT Human Rights Policy
Environment and Biodiversity
Environmental Policy
- As a producer of agricultural goods CNT hold custody of land and environment high up on the agenda. Through monitoring and engagement with growers and the communities CNT ensures that the natural environment is utilised with minimal impact. CNT is committed to conserve natural resources, to avoid the unnecessary use of hazardous materials where possible and to engage in activities that reuse and recycle. Through extension services and continuous engagement CNT assists tobacco farmers in areas in which we operate with good/ best agronomic practices. CNT recommends having systems in place to ensure the safe handling, movement, storage, recycling, reuse or management of waste, air emissions and wastewater discharges. Any waste, wastewater or emissions with the potential to adversely impact human or environmental health shall be appropriately managed, controlled and treated prior to release into the environment. Our environmental policy can be seen here.
Biodiversity Policy
- The conservation of biodiversity is an integral part of CNT’s commitment to environmental protection. This is achieved by recognising the need to conserve biodiversity of eco systems flora and fauna and their habitats. As a business we focus on addressing our own biodiversity impacts and those of our contracted farmers. CNT actively pursue the expansion of organic crop production as a viable solution for the sustainability of tobacco production.
- Deforestation is an international, national and industry concern of critical importance. CNT has taken its commitment to reforestation progressively further year on year. Through stakeholder, partners and individual efforts CNT reforestation programs are designed to provide sustainable curing fuel for tobacco farmers, replenish indigenous forests and amenity value for the community. CNT is proud of its endeavours related to the preservation of woodland. The pressure on forests will not cease as the problems are far fetching and rooted in complex national dilemmas. CNT will not cease in its efforts to preserve woodland in all areas it operates.
Crop Protection Agents (CPAs)
CPA Policy
- “CPA” (Crop Protection Agents) are chemicals that are used in the production of tobacco (and other crops). A strict adherence to its storage, application and disposal is essential at all times. CNT has training programmes in place to ensure that the dangers associated with CPAs are avoided and limited as much as possible. Tobacco, like any crop, is prone to attack from pests and disease. To limit damage affecting yield or quality, any integrated pest management program (IPM) may require judicious use of CPAs. CPA management shall ensure that appropriate CPAs are only used when needed and in accordance with their labelled instructions, by trained personnel using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). CPA management shall document correct CPA use and a plan for reduced usage.
- CPA Residues shall be monitored regularly, not limited to CORESTA GRLs. Only approved CPAs for tobacco will be used. Farmers are trained to ensure only approved levels of CPAs are applied and used in a technically correct way. Alternative methods of crop protection shall be supported through the IPM concept and the preferred methods will be implemented.
- Part of the CNT strategy is the active promotion of organic and pesticide reduced tobacco production as a viable alternative method of production for growers.
- CNT aims to reduce toxicity of CPAs used in tobacco production wherever a viable alternative is available.
Climate Change
- CNT is committed to working towards reducing our impact on climate Change.
- Through CNT’s focus on carbon reduction, CNT has committed to develop a science-based target aligned with the Science Based Target initiatve (SBTi) criteria.
- Since 2011 CNT has actively reported Scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions, energy use data and water consumption to the CDP. The CDP, formerly known as The Carbon Disclosure Project, is a leading international organization that assesses companies work to limit and reduce carbon emissions.
- A detailed report of our carbon emissions is available on request.

Social Responsibility