About us

The company was founded in 1982 conducting business on both European leaf tobacco and nicotine supply. Founders Henning Siemann and the late Walter Leupi had both held leading positions in the tobacco and chemical industry respectively. The resulting synergy led to a continuous growth of the company over the years. In 1997, Dirk Siemann and Torsten Siemann took over the full operational responsibility from their father Henning Siemann, who moved on to the supervisory board. In 2005 Sascha Siemann joined his brothers as a Managing Director of CNT.

Under the stewardship of Dirk, Torsten and Sascha, CNT has continued its business development and growth within the ever changing international marketplace.


Compliance Statement

Legality and Corporate Responsibility are an integral part of CNT’s Corporate Governance Principles.

All affiliated companies adhere to the applicable laws and regulations in the countries where business activities are conducted as a minimum standard (Legality Principle). Over and above this, CNT affiliated companies focus on continuous improvement while complying to and where possible strive to exceed the customer compliance requirements.

Code of Conduct

The CNT Code of Conduct is applicable to all employees (including affiliates and subsidiaries), regardless of the position they hold and geographical location. Individual company policies for the business units must always conform to the principles stated in the Code of Conduct.

All employees (including affiliates and subsidiaries), have a personal responsibility to ensure that their actions comply with both the words and the spirit of the Code of Conduct. It is the responsibility of management to create a culture in which compliance with the Code of Conduct is expected and achievable, this includes ensuring that employees are aware of, understand, and comply with its content. Concerns about inappropriate conduct must be promptly addressed.

Violations of the Code of Conduct may lead to disciplinary actions. Such action may include reprimand, reimbursement of any loss or damage suffered by the Group, termination of employment, referral for civil action or criminal prosecution, or any other disciplinary deemed appropriate by the Group.

Integrity Line

In the CNT´s Internal Code of Conduct, we have defined the values and ethical behaviors principles and standards of how we should operate. In addion to the observance of law and order, it is also about describing ethical conduct that are expected when interacng with individuals, group of persons, and the environment around us. The Code of Conduct is mandatory and applies to all the company´s directors and employees, including senior management, interns, and seasonal, partime, and permanent employees.
The following Guidelines (Integrity Line – de / Integrity Line – en) aim to outline the process for reporting practices or actions believed to be inappropriate or illegal. Raising in good faith ethics and compliance issues helps us prevent, detect, and respond to any misconduct while securing CNT´s reputation.

A report to the Integrity line is possible in two ways:

i. The online portal (cntleaf.integrityline.com), or
ii. By contacting a non-company hotline at the phone number +498001898550.

Statement Of Policy Regarding Counterfeit & Otherwise Illegal Tobacco Products

CNT is dedicated to having an effective anti-counterfeiting policy. All directors, employees and partners of CNT must consider how this policy may apply to all business transactions specific to the purchase of tobacco and nicotine.

As stipulated in this policy, all directors, employees and partners of CONTRAF-NICOTEX-TOBACCO GmbH (CNT) will not knowingly supply tobacco to any entity or individual engaged in the manufacture, distribution or sale of counterfeit or otherwise illegally manufactured tobacco products. Anyone who is found in violation of this policy, shall be subject to severe disciplinary action.



CNT acts in accordance with the “GOVERNANCE CODE FOR FAMILY BUSINESSES ” published by Die Familienunternehmer –ASU e. V. and INTES Akademie für Familienunternehmen GmbH, Germany in 2015, which defines standards for good and responsible management and supervision (governance) for family owned companies. CNT is a member. The codex is strongly reflected in CNT’s articles of association.